Areas of Practice

Legislative Affairs/Advocacy/Public Affairs

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We take on tough issues, we understand how to “work those issues” for you. We know key elected officials at all levels and what they need to know to promote sound programs that have public support. Justin Clement leads Mitchell-Clement Legislative Affairs, the firm’s multi-client lobbying portfolio.

When it comes to Advocacy of your product or issue, count on us. We have successfully built grassroots advocacy for issues on a statewide and local basis. We have the ability to connect our clients with the right community leaders, professionals and experts to testify for committee hearings on critical legislation and can effectively coordinate community efforts. Field strategy can be a critical component in an advocacy campaign. You need the professionals who both understand the inner workings of government and business, the media, and the on-the-ground foundation that needs to be built for success.

Political Consulting/Political Pollling


Led by nationally recognized political polling expert Steve Mitchell, the Political Practice group provides clients with all services included in winning campaigns. From benchmark polling, to state of the art tracking polls, to strategic campaign plans to literature, we put our clients in a winning position. For more than 30 years we have help elect statewide, legislative, regional and local political candidates to office. Our micro targeted campaigns produce results.

Millage campaigns


We all know funding for local police, fire, libraries, parks, school districts and senior citizen centers relies heavily on millage and/or bond proposals and renewals. For more than 15 years, Mitchell Research and Communications is the firm these groups turn to for polling and messaging. Millage campaigns are a niche for us. We work with the municipalities and school districts to survey voters and guide community groups to victory.

Survey Research


Companies—of all sizes need to know who their customers are and what they want. No longer is anecdotal evidence good enough. We are experts at qualitative and quantitative research. We have decades of experience facilitating focus groups for insurance companies, food service brands, trade associations and more. We are skilled at conducting the groups then following up with web based or telephone surveys to really delve into your customer’s desires.

Crisis Communication


When you’re in trouble, when you have a crisis, you need to have someone you can turn to who will help guide you through the problem.  Mitchell Research has been the company that statewide, regional, and local political figures, as well as corporate clients have gone to when they were in trouble.

 We understand you need a calm, experienced counsel to get you through a tough time.  We have done it over and over for people and companies with names you would recognize.  Why aren’t they mentioned here?  Because, we don’t name names.

 When you’re in crisis mode, you need someone who has been there before and handled tough situations, someone who knows the media.  That’s what we do.